Biedermeier, 19th century
Wood and metal, painted,
length 49 cm, height 20 cm
Inv. 1914.411.
The toy coach, said to have come from Schloss Maienfeld (Grisons), is a so called 'Jagdwurst' (hunter's sausage), modelled on the type in widespread use from the end of the C18 in central Europe, especially Germany and Austria. Its nickname derives from the seat, placed longways above the central spar of the vehicle and covered with drill or leather upholstery. The passengers sat astride the seat, their number depending on the vehicle's length. Such 'Wurstwagen or 'sausage waggons', called 'vourste' in French, had forerunners in the German court 'sausage' sleigh of the C17 and C18, which carried drummers and trumpeters at parades, and in the Russian 'promenade chaise'. This vehicle, of wood, is rather clumsily made, unlike the accompanying horses, inspired by elegant English engravings, and the figures in Biedermeier dress. The piece is an interesting 'marriage' of a carriage home made with hand tools and bought manufactured figures.
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