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Basel Historical Museum

Committees & foundation

Commission of Basel Historical Museum

The Commission

The Commission of Basel Historical Museum advises and supports the museum's directors (Museumsgesetz § 7). It has the final say on large acquisitions and must give its consent to the loan of items from the museum’s collection.

The Commission is made up of members of the university and individuals nominated by the Präsidialdepartement and elected by the government of Basel-Stadt. The Commission was founded by law in 1861 (when it was called the Kommission für die Mittelalterliche Sammlung).


Patricia von Falkenstein (President)
Prof. Dr. Susanna Burghartz
Dr. Martin Dahinden
Dr. Urs Gloor
Nadia Guth Biasini
Prof. Dr. Martin Lengwiler
Prof. Dr. Erik Petry
Tobit Schäfer
Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellewald

Association for the Basel Historical Museum

The Association

Of all the museum’s supporting institutions, the Verein für das Historische Museum Basel is the one with the longest tradition. It took over from the Verein für die Mittelalterliche Sammlung und die Erhaltung baslerischer Altertümer (Society for the Medieval Collection and for the Preservation of Basel’s Antiquities [1872–1891]) when the Barfüsserkirche was converted into a museum in 1892. The society gives all those interested in local history and culture an opportunity to learn more from expert guides both in and around Basel and on excursions further afield.

After all, the future needs a past.* Only those who know their roots can understand the present and shape the future.

* Odo Marquard, Reclam, Stuttgart 2003

How you will benefit from membership

  • Invitations to exhibition openings
  • Invitations to members-only events
  • Free admission to special exhibitions and presentations of the collection at Basel Historical Museum
  • Free participation in public tours
  • Discount on the purchase of a Museums-PASS-Musées
  • The chance to take part in art and culture excursions
  • Tertial programme of the Basel Historical Museum
  • A copy of the museum’s annual report
  • Discount on purchases from the Museum Shop


Christiane Faesch (President)
Alain Grimm
Alexis Burckhardt
Gabriele Klass (Treasurer)
Prof. Dr. Beat Schönenberger
Dr. Balthasar Settelen (Secretary)
Sarah Staehelin


as per 31.12.2023
585 members


c/o Christiane Faesch
Burgunderstrasse 16
4051 Basel



Foundation for the Basel Historical Museum

The Foundation

The Stiftung für das Historische Museum Basel was founded in 1969 on the initiative of the then president of the Kommission zum Historischen Museum Basel, Dr. h.c. Alfred R. Weber. Its objective is to promote the museum in every way by providing financial support.

The foundation relies on gifts and legacies, which will be essential to its ability to fulfil its mission in future years, too.

Donations can be transferred directly onto the following account:
Baumann & Cie
IBAN (CHF account): CH68 0875 6108 0686 0100 0


Dr. Mark Eichner (President)
Dr. Catherine Alioth-Streichenberg
Dr. Thomas Christ
Prof. Dr. Axel Gampp
Dr. Urs Gloor
Philipp Lüscher
Daniel O. A. Rüedi
Nadine Vischer Klein


UID register: CHE-110.377.346

Foundation Stocker-Nolte

The Foundation

The Stocker-Nolte-Stiftung was founded by the jurist of that name in 1979. It comprises a house and contents used by four generations of the same Basel family in the 19th and 20th century.

Part of the bequest is now exhibited in the Haus zum Kirschgarten.


Marc Zehntner (Chairman)
Dr. Sabine Söll-Tauchert (member)
Dr. Gudrun Piller (observer)


UID register: CHE-110.389.800

Foundation Dr. Eugen Gschwind

Die Stiftung

The Dr. Eugen Gschwind-Stiftung was founded by the dentist and watch collector of that name in 1983.

It comprises over 200 timepieces from watchmaking centres in Germany, England, the Netherlands and France and dating from the 15th to 19th century.


Marc Zehntner (President)
Dr. Christopher Langloh
Dr. Gudrun Piller


UID register: CHE-101.729.009

Foundation Jenny Adèle Burckhardt

The Foundation

The Jenny Adèle Burckhardt-Stiftung was founded by Dr. Dieter Burckhardt in memory of his mother in 1994/95. It comprises some 400 objects from the 17th to 19th century that have long been in Basel collections, first and foremost among them the Wettstein Cup.

Part of this collection is exhibited in the Barfüsserkirche and in the Haus zum Kirschgarten.


PD Dr. Daniel Burckhardt (President)
Sebastian Burckhardt (Treasurer)
Esther Baur (representing the Staatsarchiv Basel)
Marc Zehntner (representing Basel Historical Museum)
Cathrine E. Burckhardt (observer)
Samuel B. Burckhardt (observer)
Thérèse Burckhardt (observer


UID register: CHE-110.396.740

Foundation Pauls-Eisenbeiss

The Foundation

The Pauls-Eisenbeiss-Stiftung was founded by Rosemarie von Lentzke-Pauls in memory of her parents in 1975.

Its collection of 18th-century porcelain comprising pieces from all the major manufactories in Meissen, Höchst, Frankenthal and Ludwigsburg is of great international importance.


Rosemarie von Lentzke-Pauls (President)
Dr. Mark Eichner (Secretary)
Dr. Urs D. Gloor
Dr. Katharina Hantschmann
Eldor von Lentzke
Jessica Wilz


UID register: CHE-100.645.628


Management & administration
PO box | Steinenberg 4
CH-4001 Basel

Office opening hours
8:30 – 12 AM | 13:30 – 17 PM
Reception: +41 61 205 86 00

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