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Room rentals

Various rooms in the three museums belonging to Basel Historical Museum can be rented for private or company functions.

Please address your inquiries to:
Katja Kretz | email: vermietung.hmb(at)bs.ch
Telephone: +41 61 205 86 03

Important note: 
The student foyer at the Musikmuseum is currently not available for rent.


The Nave

Barfüsserkirche: Nave

The nave of the Barfüsserkirche can be used for talks or panel discussions (for up to 200 people) and standing-only events with refreshments (for up to 300 people).

Seminar Room

Barfüsserkirche: Seminar room

The seminar room in the basement of the Barfüsserkirche is suitable for talks (for up to 45 people) and conferences or meetings (with conference seating for up to 25 people).


Inner courtyard

Musikmuseum inner courtyard

The inner courtyard can be used free of charge in fine weather. Next door there is a «student foyer», which can be rented.

Red Hall

Musikmuseum Red Hall

The Musikmuseum’s «Red Hall» is suitable for conferences and workshops and for standing-only events with refreshments (up to 50 people).


Romantic Garden

Haus zum Kirschgarten: Garden

The romantic garden invites to special summer events (up to 150 people).

Garden Pavilion

Haus zum Kirschgarten: Pavilion

In bad weather, there is a pavilion built in 1780 with room (up to 15 people).

Carriage passage

[Translate to EN:] Haus zum Kirschgarten Kutschendurchfahrt

The carriage passage with its vaulted ceilings from the 18th century offers space for aperitifs.


[Translate to EN:] Haus zum Kirschgarten Ausstellungsraum

The exhibition «Wild boar and salad» will be on display here until further notice.

Foyer 1st floor

[Translate to EN:] Haus zum Kirschgarten Vestibule

The first floor foyer with its marble mosaic floor and vaulted staircase offers a castle-like ambience (up to 30 people).


Management & administration
PO box | Steinenberg 4
CH-4001 Basel

Office opening hours
8:30 – 12 AM | 13:30 – 17 PM
Reception: +41 61 205 86 00

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