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Curator Archaeology

Pia Kamber


Pia Kamber graduated in prehistory, ancient history, medieval archaeology, anthropology and European ethnology in 1990 and completed a Master of Advanced Studies in Arts Management at the University of Basel in 2002. She was a research assistant at the Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt in 1991–92, worked as an excavation leader for the Kantonsarchäologie Baselland and as an editor for the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte in 1993–94, was an assistant curator at Basel Historical Museum in 1994–98, and has been curator for archaeology at Basel Historical Museum since 1998. She was the museum’s acting head of the Collection & Restoration from 2015–17.

Exhibitions and publications (selected)

Aufgetaucht. Basels Geheimnisvolle Wasserfunde
Basel Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 21.9.2017–4.3.2018

Museum of Broken Relationships Basel Historical Museum, Haus zum Kirschgarten, 17.4.–30.8.2015 A co-production with the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb and the Dokumentartagen Basel (curator: Benedikt Wyss).

Echte Burgen – Falsche Ritter?
Basel Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 15.11.2013–29.6.2014. Exhibition and book of the same name in collaboration with Archäologie Baselland.

Verborgene Welten: Von der Keltenstadt zum Bischofssitz
New permanent exhibition on archaeology in Basel, Basel Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 2011–the present.

Unter uns. Archäologie in Basel Basel
Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 26.9.2008–1.3.2009 (co-directed with Andreas Fischer). Exhibition and book of the same name in collaboration with the Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt.

Der geschmiedete Himmel – Religion und Astronomie vor 3600 Jahren
Basel Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 29.9.2006–29.1.2007 Exhibition about the Nebra Sky Disc, the world’s oldest known depiction of the cosmos, in collaboration with the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle.

Stadt der Kelten – Geschichten aus dem Untergrund
Basel Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 9.3.–30.9.2002. Exhibition and book of the same name about the Celtic settlement on the site of the former gasworks in collaboration with the Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt.

Fundgruben – stille Örtchen ausgeschöpft Basel
Historical Museum, Barfüsserkirche, 1.6–30.9.1996 (co-directed with Christine Keller). Exhibition about latrine finds and what they tell us about everyday life in medieval Basel. Article “Fundgruben” in Wohl & Sein. Gemeinsame Ausstellungen von Basler Museen und Institutionen (ed. Cyrill Häring), Basel 1996, pp. 141–200.


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