Treat yourself to a living history tour about the Basel physician and professor of medicine Felix Platter around 1600.
Individual tours should be booked at least two weeks in advance. We look forward to receiving your inquiries by +41 61 205 86 00 or by e-mail vermittlung.hmb(at)
Felix Platter is a physician to the city of Basel and a professor of medicine. He dissects corpses in order to advance medical science. He also treats the sick and keeps detailed records of the many diseases that he encounters, day in day out. He cannot cure everything, but in his house on Petersgraben he keeps a collection of all sorts of minerals and plants and uses these to make medicines.
His greatest challenge, however, is the plague, which in Basel erupts every twelve years or so. Like now, in the year 1610, when because of the epidemic Platter is having to work round the clock. Only this time, he is determined to finally get to the bottom of it …
Management & administration
PO box | Steinenberg 4
CH-4001 Basel
Office opening hours
8:30 – 12 AM | 13:30 – 17 PM
Reception: +41 61 205 86 00