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Curator & Coordinator Exhibitions

Benjamin Mortzfeld

Curator & Coordinator Exhibitions: Benjamin Mortztfeld


Born in Hamburg in 1984. Studied Ancient, Modern and Contemporary History and Modern German Literature and Media Studies with a minor in Culture Management at the Christian Albrecht University in Kiel. First internship at the Ditmarscher Landesmuseum, followed by further training as a project manager and EU fundraiser. Recently curated the special exhibitions Craving for New Pictures – From Broadsheet to Comic Strip (2017) at the German Historical Museum in Berlin and Übermensch – Friedrich Nietzsche and his Afterlife (2019) at Basel Historical Museum. Both exhibitions were accompanied by major publications. Curator and coordinator of special exhibitions at Basel Historical Museum since 2020.

Publications (selected)

«Der französische Blick auf Preußen. Von menschenfressenden Riesen und Ordnung in der Unordnung», in: Marcel Piethe u. a.: Bilderwelt. Weltbilder – nicht nur in Brandenburg (Die Mark Brandenburg), Berlin 2023, S. 26–29.

«Quellenkritik: ‹Groß-Deutschland› an der Adria?», in: Patrick Moser, Alexandra Heini (éd.), Basel 1933−1945, Basel 2020, p. 35−39. Publication on the eponymous exhibition in the Barfüsserkirche.

Übermensch – Friedrich Nietzsche und die Folgen, Basel 2019. Publication on the eponymous exhibition in the Barfüsserkirche.

Zensur in Deutschland, in: History-Blog of Deutsches Historisches Museum (2018), available under: www.dhm.de/blog/2018/02/06/zensur-in-deutschland/

Die Ostarbeiter-Sparkarte der C. G. Schönherr Papier- und Holzstoff-Fabrik Flossmühle bei Borstendorf, in: Sparen. Geschichte einer deutschen Tugend, Darmstadt 2018, p. 107s. Publication on the eponymous exhibition at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.

Gier nach neuen Bildern. Flugblatt, Bilderbogen, Comicstrip, Darmstadt 2017. Publication on the eponymous exhibition at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.

Museumsführer Schleswig-Holstein, Neumünster 2010.


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CH-4001 Basel

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8:30 – 12 AM | 13:30 – 17 PM
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