Andreas Mante lives with his wife and their three teenaged children and various four-footed friends at the southern foot of the Jura Mountains. Born in Lucerne, he grew up there and in Minusio and Solothurn and on leaving school began his career with a management traineeship at the post office. Professional development in controlling, personnel management, communications, organizational development and leadership enabled him to take up various positions within the post office group. Mante has extensive experience of handling communications for political institutions and businesses undergoing major changes. In his private life, he enjoys being in the world of nature, whether to go mushrooming, hiking or skiing in the mountains.
Management & administration
PO box | Steinenberg 4
CH-4001 Basel
Office opening hours
8:30 – 12 AM | 13:30 – 17 PM
Reception: +41 61 205 86 00