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Curator Coin Cabinet

Andrea Casoli

Curator Coin Cabinet: Andrea Casoli


Native of Locarno (Ticino, Switzerland). Graduated with a Master of Arts in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History from Basel in 2011. Master’s thesis on early Roman precious metal medallions. Professional experience in various numismatic institutions in Switzerland: Basel Historical Museum (2007–2008; 2012), Winterthur (2011), Swiss National Museum, Zurich (2011), Museum Augusta Raurica (Basel-Landschaft, 2012).

Further professional experience: Archaeological Museum of Eretria (Euboea, Greece, 2011), Antikenmuseum Basel (incl. 2011–2012), Ufficio dei beni culturali (Bellinzona, Ticino, 2012–2013, 2017–2018 and 2018–2019). Predoc assistant at the Institute of Numismatics and History of Money at the University of Vienna from February 2013 to February 2017. Doctoral dissertation on the minting of coins under Emperor Nero advanced, but still in progress (supervisor: Prof. Reinhard Wolters). Teaching assignment at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg im Breisgau (D); Faculty of Philosophy, Dept. of Ancient History (2017–2018). SEB project assistant at the Bernisches Historisches Museum (Numismatic Collection) (2018–2020).

Publications (selected)

Casoli, A., Il Ticino in Europa. Aree di circolazione delle monete della zecca di Bellinzona, Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau, Bd. 99, S. 423-442, 2021

Casoli, A., Il Monetario cantonale. La collezione numismatica della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, Quaderni ticinesi di Numismatica e Antichità Classiche (NAC), vol. 48, p. 373–404, 2020

Casoli, A., «Die numismatische Bibliothek des Basilius Amerbach». Article in: M. Stermitz (éd), Sammlungen und Sammler. Tagungsband zum 8. Österreichischen Numismatikertag, Klagenfurt, p. 99–130, 2019

Casoli, A. & Wahl M. P., «Money and its Technologies. Production, Distribution, and Impact». Article in: Stefan Krmnicek (éd.), A Cultural History of Money in Antiquity. Bloomsbury, London et al., p. 21–42, 2019

Casoli, A., «Allerhandt Neüwen vnnd alte Münzen...: Das Inventar B von 1648 und Remigius Faesch (1595–1667) als Münzsammler». HMB, annual report, p. 57–70, 2012



In collaboration with Professor M. Chiaravalle and the Museo Nazionale Romano (Rome), study and publication of the holdings of the Misox, Musso and Roveredo mints from the collection of King Vittorio Emanuele III of Savoy.

In collaboration with the Ufficio dei beni culturali (Bellinzona), study of the find coins as a contribution to the publication of the Roman settlement of Muralt (TI) (project manager R. Janke). Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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